Pay Point!

EcoSystem offer programs and services that educate, orientate and expose agents to standard practices for better service delivery

Cash In-Cash Out

We continuously establish access points for cash deposits and cash withdrawals especially at rural, semi urban & generally unbanked areas.

If you find yourself at any of these financially excluded areas , search for Ecosystem and get your payment needs solved!


We also assist goverment and other agencies and organization in collection of informal revenues ,loan repayments etc


Leveraging on our wide coverage and rural presence in Nigeria, Ecosystem works with government agencies in disbursements of social packages, soft loans, micro credits ( by private lenders )

Thrift Contributions

Thrift contributions involves groups of people coming together to contribute an agreed amout of money that would be rotated amongst members of the group for a period of time. .

We coordinate these programs among interested individuals by getting them together to a unanimous agreement and administration of the collections


Frequently Asked Questions