Agent Network Management!

EcoSystem offer programs and services that educate, orientate and expose agents to standard practices for better service delivery

Agent Training/ Certification

We train agents by providing entrepreneurial trainings and get them certified with reputable institute within and outside Nigeria.

We also organize tour to create necessary exposures to working systems across the globe .

Agent Location Management

We assists existing and potential agents in securing strategic locations that favour and facilitate business activities

Agent Registration and Profiling

We profile and verify credentials and resume of potential agents before directing it to Mobile Money Operators.

We also provide potential agents with information on requirements of any Mobile Money Operator they wish to patner with.

Issues Resolution

We are always there to help in resolution of challenging POS-related issues that any of our agents might experience. We are always ready to give advice and how-to-go-about-it information even if the agent is located far away!

Be A Mobile Money Agent

Take a bold step and join one of the fastest growing industries in Nigeria.


Frequently Asked Questions