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National Identification Number (NIN) is now mandatory for all Nigerian citizens (home and abroad) and persons legally living in Nigeria.

Citizens of Nigeria are expected to present themselves at official registration centers for enrollment and subsequent issuance of the NIN which will be integrated into the Country’s National Database.

Benefits of NIN

The NIN can be used to access a wide range of services

  • Government Social Services
  • Voters Card Registration
  • Issuance and renewal of International Passport
  • Bank Account Opening and Reactivations
  • Consular Services at Nigerian Embassies
  • Voters Card Registration
  • Voters Card Registration

What are the requirements for NIN registration

The basic requirement for NIN registartion is BVN(if you have one) and/or any of the following valid documents

  • Old National ID card
  • Driver's License
  • Nigerian International Passport
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Birth Certificate
  • Declaration of Age
  • Valid Immigration documents
  • Tax Clearance Certificate

Book an appointment with us for your NIN registration at your own convinience!
